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Previous Conferences

The Beginning:
East meets West in SLCC Philosophy Conference


The first conference, in Fall of 2000, was inspired by a Russian scholastic tradition. One that Dr. Alexander Izrailevsky saw would enhance his students' learning here at Salt Lake Community College. This pedagogy, which he terms 'student science', is a strong tradition of students pursuing independent research with professors' support. In other words, students have complete flexibility in the direction and topic of study, along with creative freedom in presenting their knowledge. Research is not determined by the professors' areas of interest, but rather the students'. Dr. Izrailevsky perceived in his classes that his Philosophy students were lacking an outlet for their educational passion and creativity. Thus the first conference was born. From this humble gathering, comprised of about 40 students entirely from his classes at the Sandy Campus, the conference has grown to be an event the SLCC Humanities and Social Sciences Dean, Dr. John McCormick, calls 'wildly popular'.







Previous Conference and Seminar Websites



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